Roanoke Cement Hosts ‘Outdoor Academy’

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Troutville, Va.-based Roanoke Cement Co. (RCC) recently tapped into the local brain trust of water knowledge and ecology to teach Central Academy Middle Schools’ 130 sixth grade students what it takes to improve water quality and the environment at Catawba Creek. During a two-day event, held at RCC’s mitigation site, the Titan America subsidiary assembled a team of environmental and aquatic teachers…

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Cemex Sees Net Profit in First Quarter

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Cemex announced that consolidated net sales reached $3.2 billion during the first quarter of 2016, an increase of 3 percent on a like-to-like basis for the ongoing operations and adjusting for currency fluctuations, versus the comparable period in 2015. Operating EBITDA increased 12 percent on a like-to-like basis during the quarter to $583 million versus the same period in 2015. The…

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MSHA Posts Fatalgram

On May 10, 2016, a 46-year-old maintenance man with six years of experience was fatally injured at an Ash Grove Cement Co. plant in Texas. The victim went to the top of the slurry tank to start the rake system. He fell 50 ft. through a 3- x 4-ft. opening in the walkway into the empty slurry tank below.

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