VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland announced the successful completion of several experiments with different feedstocks of its electrically heated rotary kiln.
Finnish cement supplier Finnsementti and Nordkalk, a leading manufacturer of limestone-based products, participated in the test process. The experiments were completed between November 2021 and October 2022.
“Limestone is one of the most used raw materials in the world, so it is urgent we find ways to use it in a more environmentally friendly way. At VTT, we have been able to make the crucial calcination phase more sustainable,” said Eemeli Tsupari, principal scientist at VTT. “With tests of our electric kiln, we have proven that replacing combustion processes with electricity-based solutions is an effective means of curbing climate change. Furthermore, the quality of the burnt lime product is good.”
The pilot kiln was designed with convenient transport in mind. When housed inside a cargo container, it can be easily transported to industrial plants and used in different production processes.
“With proof of concept for the electric kiln in the precalcination phase, we are on the path toward fully decarbonizing the second burn process by considering new carbon-free heat sources, such as hydrogen, to reach the necessary temperatures,” said Tsupari. “Next, we would love to find a technology partner to help us build a large kiln to scale the output.”