After a public process and environmental review coordinated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Drake Cement started mining operations this month to extract natural pozzolan at the Frenchy Pit, located about nine miles northeast of Williams, Ariz.

Drake plans to extract about 300,000 to 500,000 tons of concrete-grade, natural pozzolan from the 65-acre parcel annually. Stockpiled pozzolan will be hauled to the Drake Cement plant in Paulden, Ariz., year-round as weather conditions allow.
Pozzolan is a signature element in Drake’s “green cement” initiative, which removes more than 100,000 tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year.
“Given the location of this mine, about nine miles outside the city and north of Interstate 40, this operation should have no impact at all on residents or the area itself when it comes to traffic or noise,” said David Chavez spokesman for Drake Cement. “This operation has been carefully planned to exclude any known archaeological and cultural sites, and to minimize any impact on the environment.”
In addition to the Frenchy Pit operation, Drake continues to work with the Forest Service and a range of stakeholders on the potential exploration of a second parcel, another previously mined location about two miles south of Williams.
“We continue to be transparent when it comes to our work,” said Chavez. “Drake has always been serious about its commitment to the community and to creating jobs and more resources for residents. We see this as a win all around, employing people and helping the construction industry meanwhile making the air cleaner for all of us to breathe.”