Canada Releases Plan for Cement Decarbonization

In an effort to strengthen international collaboration to accelerate progress toward near-zero emission cement production by 2030, the Canadian government has released the Cement and Concrete Breakthrough Priority Actions plan.

These actions have been developed collaboratively by countries leading and participating in initiatives under the Cement and Concrete Breakthrough, which launched in December. Progress made on these actions will be tracked, discussed through dialogues co-led by Canada and the United Arab Emirates, and presented in the Breakthrough Agenda report.

The plan outlines a set of sector-specific actions that seek to build on important work under way and planned across the international landscape. The priority actions center on five themes:

  • Definitions, standards and certification.
  • Demand creation.
  • Collaboration, education, innovation and scale-up of existing technology.
  • Finance and investment, and relevant ecosystem.
  • Landscape coordination.

“International collaboration is key to making real progress toward the decarbonization of cement and concrete,” said Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry François-Philippe Champagne. “These priority actions are backed by numerous governments, all working toward the common goal of achieving near-zero emission cement, a product vital to the growth of global economies. With the breakthrough initiative, we will help pave the way to achieving net-zero carbon cement and concrete while building a cleaner future for all.”

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