WCA President Highlights Market Changes

The president of the World Cement Association (WCA), Wei Rushan, recently addressed members to highlight the significant transformations shaping the global cement industry. Emphasizing the need for innovation, sustainability and collaboration, he called on industry stakeholders to embrace the evolving economic, regulatory and geopolitical challenges ahead.

Key regional developments noted in WCA’s latest White Paper:

  • Multinational companies are adjusting their strategies and scaling back cement business, focusing instead on North America. Meanwhile cement production in Europe continues to decline due to strict CO2 regulations and necessary capacity reductions, driving up cement prices. Efforts to address overcapacity in China and Japan have led to significant consolidation and restructuring.
  • In contrast, cement production in India is rapidly expanding, with more than 200 million tons produced. Indian companies are strengthening their domestic leadership, while multinational companies are exiting this high-potential market.
  • Globally, regional leaders are gaining influence, except in Europe and North America, where European multinationals continue to dominate. Chinese cement producers and other independent companies are aggressively expanding, particularly in Africa and Southeast Asia, solidifying their market presence.
  • North America, Northeast Asia and Oceania represent 13% of world demand for cement. There is demand growth expected in North America and Oceania due to population growth, but declines are expected in Northeast Asia and Western Europe due to population decline. In 2024, these developed markets are estimated to have demand just under 0.5 billion tonnes, a level they are expected to maintain over the whole period to 2050.

Rushan noted carbon reduction and carbon neutrality as a key challenge. Although progress has been made through Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies, he acknowledged the high costs and energy intensity of these solutions.
“Cement plays a crucial role in building sustainable infrastructure,” Rushan said. “By accelerating innovation, adopting low-carbon technologies and fostering global collaboration, we can ensure cement remains an environmentally responsible material.”

Mark S. Kuhar, editor
[email protected]
(330) 722‐4081

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