Atomizing Systems Inc. added a quiet, high-pressure, dust-suppression fogging system at a recycling facility in Russellville, Ken., a system that is also ideal for cement plants. The high-pressure fog device uses multiple small fog nozzles on ¼-in., 3/8-in. or ½-in. outside diameter stainless tubing to add a cool, low-volume water-fog on conveyors or shredder points that are continually adding dust into the work environment.
This unit replaced an initially installed air-driven test system operating from the owner’s compressor; air nozzles consume compressed air requiring an additional compressed air line parallel to the water line for each nozzle and add noise to the environment.
The 1,000 psi Cold Fog pump system can operate up to 300 fog nozzles and is unaffected by the addition of more nozzles cut in anywhere on the single stainless fog lines run on various machines as more areas are covered with fog.
The energy-efficient system always operates at the lowest possible RPM’s based on the number of nozzles on at any one time. Water treatment is not required (at this site) due to excellent water quality.
Power consumption is extremely low and every custom pump system is operated at the voltage available on the customer’s site. The fog pump system, controlled by a heavy-duty variable frequency drive (VFD), may be located anywhere within the facility as high-pressure fog is typically unaffected by distance out to the nozzle lines.
Established in 1978, Atomizing Systems Inc., manufactures the world’s only patented, non-wearing, ruby- orifice high-pressure fog nozzle with a 20-year no-wear Warranty as well as fog pump systems for clients worldwide in semiconductor humidification. All fog systems standard with “soft-start” VFD technology. Atomizing Systems is a Underwriters Laboratories certified facility.
Atomizing Systems,