Cementos Argos, a subsidiary of Grupo Argos, received Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) Conservation Certification for its Newberry, Fla., and Atlanta plants. The recognition is due to the company’s voluntary efforts to create and maintain programs that produce quantitative benefits for local wildlife.
To be certified by the WHC, Argos had to demonstrate that it has a meaningful wildlife habitat management and conservation education program, provide third-party credibility, produce an aggregated metric for reporting and demonstrate a long-term commitment to managing quality habitat for wildlife, conservation education and community outreach initiatives.
As part of their conservation efforts, the Atlanta cement plant built pollinator gardens geared toward bees and butterflies, as well as bluebird boxes that provide shelter for them. Moreover, the Newberry facility has maintained safe places for bats to roost.
WHC’s certification program is the only voluntary sustainability standard designed for broad-based biodiversity enhancement and conservation education activities on corporate landholdings. The program recognizes a diversity of project types including native landscaping, mangrove restoration, butterfly monitoring, sustainable hunting to control deer populations, PhD projects, and community Earth Day events.