OCED Names Possible Calcined Clay Production Project Partners

Three of six Cement and Concrete projects named as funding candidates in a $6 billion Energy Department Office of Clean Energy Demonstration (OCED) program entail production of calcined clay or limestone calcined clay (LC3) as an alternative to conventional portland cement clinker. Producers behind the Industrial Demonstrations Program-themed projects are positioned to negotiate with OCED officials awards where cost-sharing terms…

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AEM Establishes Alternative Power Technical Committee

There’s no overstating the importance of Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) and its members staying up to date on the current regulatory, compliance and standards environment in the off-road equipment industry. This helps companies maintain market access, build safer machines and meet the ever-changing demands of their customers. It’s why AEM established its Alternative Power Technical Committee (APTC), which serves…

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Cement Industry Solar Update

By Mark S. Kuhar Cemex and Synhelion report prospective scaling of a high-temperature process to industrially-viable levels, where solar energy supplants fossil fuel combustion. This marks a significant milestone in the companies’ journey toward the world’s first fully solar-powered cement plant. An early 2022 energy lab demonstration in Spain saw researchers leverage Synhelion devices and fuel conversion methods to successfully…

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