May Cement Shipments Drop Slightly

Total shipments of portland and blended cement, including imports, in the United States and Puerto Rico in May 2019 were 9.3 million metric tons (Mt), a slight decrease from shipments in May 2018, according to the most recent USGS Mineral Industry Survey. Shipments for the year through May totaled 37.4 Mt, an increase of 2.5% from those for the same period…

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Project CO₂MENT Officially Launches at Lafarge Canada Plant

LafargeHolcim is increasing its efforts to further improve the carbon-efficiency of its cements with the launch of Project CO₂MENT at its Richmond, B.C., Canada, plant. The objective is to build the world’s first full-cycle solution to capture and reuse CO2 from a cement plant while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The project is a partnership between Lafarge Canada, Inventys and Total.

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Investors Group Urges Cement Producers to Reduce Emissions

Members of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) and participants in Climate Action 100+, a global shareholder engagement initiative, are calling on leading European cement companies to take necessary steps to combat climate change. The measures are outlined in “Investor Expectations of Companies in the Construction Materials Sector,” which was published by IIGCC and can be downloaded here. 

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