California Enacts Legislation to Decarbonize Cement Industry

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation to zero-out carbon pollution from cement used in the state. The bipartisan Senate Bill 596 builds on a pledge by California’s cement industry to become carbon neutral by 2050, and will identify key barriers and solutions to turn that commitment into action.

The bill directs the California Air Resources Board (ARB) to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions associated with cement used within California as soon as possible, but no later than 2045, and to establish interim targets for reducing cement’s greenhouse gas intensity.

SB 596 responds to both the near- and long-term abatement opportunities for California’s cement industry by directing the ARB to develop a glidepath out to 2045 with strong interim targets to demonstrate progress, including a 40% reduction in carbon intensity by 2035. 

This will allow for a robust dialogue with industry and other stakeholders to spotlight key market and regulatory barriers; evaluate a range of solutions across new and existing measures; and identify actions that meet essential criteria, such as enhancing California’s competitiveness, improving local air quality, and leveraging state and federal incentives to support economic and workforce development.

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