CEMEX USA invested more than $8 million to improve two cement terminals in Florida, enhancing its supply chain network to efficiently meet high demand for cement in the region.
As part of its strategic growth initiative, CEMEX upgraded its Pensacola Cement Terminal at the Port of Pensacola to allow cement and cementitious materials to be imported from the company’s global operations. CEMEX has shipped cement to the terminal by rail for distribution to customers for years, and with the upgrades which were brought online in May, additional cement supply will be provided to the region through marine shipments. The improvements are expected to help CEMEX more efficiently supply the market while contributing to the area’s economic development.

In July, the company also completed upgrades at its Port of Palm Beach Cement Terminal in Riviera Beach, Fla., with enhancements made at the facility improving the ability to receive and distribute imported cement and cementitious material including slag and fly ash to supplement the supply along Florida’s Atlantic Coast.
“Florida is growing rapidly, and CEMEX’s strong network makes our company well-positioned to implement supply chain and operational enhancements to meet the high demand for building materials in Florida and beyond,” said CEMEX USA Executive Vice President – Logistics Matthew Wild. “On the cement side, increased demand has outpaced supply at times, and we expect our supply chain enhancements to help alleviate that issue.”
CEMEX is the largest supplier of building materials in Florida with a network that includes three cement plants and more than 10 strategically located cement terminals throughout the state.