GCCA: New Partnerships Emerge From Innovandi Open Challenge 

The Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) announced four new partnerships between cement manufacturers and tech start-ups to work together on the development of low carbon concrete.

EnviCore (Canada),  NeoCrete (New Zealand) and Queens Carbon and Chement (both USA) were all shortlisted last year, as part of the GCCA’s Innovandi Open Challenge program. They have now all formed a partnership with at least five member companies and leading manufacturers, who will support and evaluate their technologies.

“Developing low carbon concrete is a challenge, as we will need something both scalable and ultimately affordable. Innovation is the key, and it’s great to see the start-ups agreeing partnerships with manufacturers. The GCCA and our member companies really look forward to working closely with each start-up to take their ideas to the next stage,” said Claude Loréa, GCCA cement director.

The four start-ups will be given unique access to industry plants, labs, key networks and the expertise and infrastructure of the leading manufacturers to accelerate the development of their technology. Each start-up will also be showcasing their technologies and progress as part of a Demo Day  on June 6, as part of the GCCA’s CEO and Leaders Conference in Bangkok.

Meanwhile, the GCCA also announced that a record 29 start-ups, from nearly 100 applicants, have been shortlisted for the third Innovandi Open Challenge, which will focus on the further development of carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS) technology. The start-ups will be invited to pitch their ideas to GCCA members later this month.

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