Rondo Energy, a leading provider of zero-carbon industrial heat, announced commercial availability of two models of its revolutionary Rondo Heat Battery (RHB): the RHB100 and RHB300.
The RHB captures intermittent electricity, stores the energy from that electricity as high-temperature heat in brick materials, and delivers the stored energy on demand as high-temperature heat and/or electricity. It stores heat energy at temperatures up to 1500°C for hours or days – delivering zero-carbon heat for processes including cement.

Rondo Energy said its RHB meets the demanding needs of industry for safe, simple, low-cost energy and economically replaces fuel-fired furnaces and boilers – unlocking energy prices for America’s industries that are both affordable and more predictable.
When connected to the grid, the RHB can make use of otherwise curtailed solar and wind energy, cut the cost of clean energy and strengthen grid stability and security. Rondo is manufacturing its heat batteries at its facilities in California and has begun commercial deliveries.
The RHB100 and RHB300 models are designed to directly replace the operation of fuel-fired boilers, furnaces and kilns. Both models are fully automatic, charge intermittently either from local wind or solar facilities or from the grid and deliver heat on demand 24 hours a day. They can also be easily integrated into facilities alongside existing process heating equipment, delivering large-scale emissions reductions without a facility overhaul.
“With early manufacturing now underway, Rondo is open for business. We’re thrilled to be announcing the launch of the RHB100 and RHB300 and look forward to serving our customers with first installations in 2023,” said Rondo CEO John O’Donnell.