Argos Prepares For ‘Vibrant’ Growth In U.S.

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In 2014, Colombia-based Argos recorded historic results in terms of both income and EBITDA, which rose above $2.9 million (17 percent) and $534 million (8 percent), respectively. The company reported unprecedented consolidated figures in terms of cement and concrete sales volumes, dispatching 12.5 million tons of cement and 11 million cubic meters of concrete, and it increased its net profits…

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CAC Sees Public Transit Fund as Key to Boosting Competitiveness, Growth

The Cement Association of Canada (CAC) applauded the recent release of Budget 2015, which indicates that several billion dollars have successfully been invested in critical infrastructure projects across Canada. The association took the opportunity to highlight the critical importance of infrastructure investments in boosting the competitiveness and growth of the private sector, both of which it says are critical to…

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HeidelbergCement First Quarter Sales Up

The continued recovery of the construction industry in North America and the United Kingdom contributed to an overall positive development of sales volumes in the first quarter for HeidelbergCement. The group’s cement and clinker sales volumes fell slightly by 0.8 percent to 16.8 million tons from 17.0 million tons the previous year. However, deliveries of aggregates amounted to 46.3 million…

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Ash Grove Cement Recognized by Wildlife Habitat Council

Ash Grove Cement Co. announced that two of its cement manufacturing plants received Wildlife Habitat Council certifications. The Midlothian, Texas, cement manufacturing plant was granted Corporate Lands for Learning certification for its wildlife habitat that offers experiential learning opportunities to youth, the community and wildlife professionals. The Foreman, Ark., cement manufacturing plant was granted Wildlife at Work recertification for its…

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