Martin Engineering Keeps Cement Flowing at Eagle Materials Facility

Eagle Materials’ La Salle, Ill., cement facility overcame a severe blockage of Type I cement in its 80,000-ton-capacity storage silo by employing an innovative pneumatic cleaning technology from Martin Engineering. After a support cable on the reclaim screw conveyor came loose at the plant, it sent thousands of pounds of material down into the silo at once, resulting in the…

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How a newly re-elected president and shifting Congress will deal with a still-slow economy and overwhelming federal debt is anyone’s guess. Although cement consumption and overall U.S. construction activity increased significantly more than expected in 2012, these gains would be immediately erased in 2013 if the “fiscal cliff” is not resolved in a timely manner. A forecast from the Portland…

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Energy & Environment Award Winners


The Cement Industry Energy & Environment Awards program was created in 2000 by the Portland Cement Association (PCA) as part of its renewed environment and energy strategic plan for the U.S. cement industry. The awards honor activities conducted during the previous calendar year, and the program is open to any cement manufacturing plant in North America.

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