Construction Starts Gain 6% in April; Highways Up

Total construction starts rose 6% in April to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $1.13 trillion, according to Dodge Construction Network. Nonresidential building starts gained 17%, nonbuilding starts were 4% higher, while residential starts slipped 1%. On a year-to-date basis through April total construction starts were up 13% from the first four months of 2023. Residential starts were up 22%,…

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Construction Starts Fall 15% in November

Total construction starts fell 15% in November, dropping to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $927 billion, according to Dodge Construction Network. Nonresidential building starts fell 29% during the month, residential starts lost 6%, and nonbuilding starts dropped 2%. Highway and bridge starts were down 8%. Year-to-date through November 2023, total construction starts lagged by 4% compared to the previous…

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Total Construction Starts Slip

Total construction starts fell 4% in April to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $1.04 trillion, according to Dodge Construction Network. Nonresidential starts led the drop as manufacturing fell 22% following strong performance in March. To balance the decline, nonbuilding starts rose 7%, and residential building stats gained 12%. On a year-to-date basis through April, total construction starts were 7%…

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Total Construction Starts Increase in February

Total construction starts rose 9% in February to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $1.013 trillion, according to Dodge Construction Network. Year-to-date, total construction was 14% higher in the first two months of 2022 than in the same period of 2021. Nonresidential building starts jumped 39%, nonbuilding starts rose 4% and residential starts gained 5%.  For the 12 months ending…

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