DOE Office Outlines Cement and Concrete Center of Excellence

The Department of Energy Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office (IEDO) will create a Cement and Concrete Center of Excellence to accelerate the development and adoption of novel low-carbon material technologies. U.S. National Laboratories can receive up to $9 million through an upcoming competitive call to organize and lead the effort. DOE and IEDO officials envision the center as a) a…

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PCA Awarded $2.4 Million EPA Grant

As part of its Reducing Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Construction Materials and Products grant program, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded the Portland Cement Association (PCA) more than $2.4 million to lead a project that will improve both the quantity and quality of industry Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs).

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DOE Advances Heidelberg Materials’ $1B Carbon Capture Project

U.S. Department of Energy Under Secretary for Infrastructure David Crane announced his agency’s plan to negotiate an award up to $500 million to help fund a full-scale carbon dioxide capture, transport and storage facility at Heidelberg Materials’ recently upgraded Mitchell, Ind., cement plant. He outlined the prospective award during a March 25 gathering of 100-plus at the 2.4-million-mtpy capacity operation.…

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