The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) launched a $5 million funding opportunity for a research initiative on the use of steel slag in cement and concrete.
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Arizona State Researchers Seek to Curb Emissions
An Arizona State University research team won a National Science Foundation Future Manufacturing Research Grant to help support its research into curbing emissions in cement manufacturing through new techniques.
Read MoreBrine May Be Key to Carbon-Free Cement
New York University Abu Dhabi researchers are exploring the possibility of using brine to manufacture a sustainable alternative to ordinary portland cement.
Read MoreContinental Cement Produces Lowest Carbon PLC
As part of an innovative research project for the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) and National Road Research Alliance, Continental Cement Co., a subsidiary of Summit Materials, produced a 20% portland-limestone cement (PLC) – the lowest carbon PLC to date.
Read MoreUniversities Receive Grants for Decarbonization Research
Researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) and their collaborators received two federal grant awards to support investigating new methods to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from cement manufacturing.
Read MoreLafargeHolcim in the U.S. Partners on Carbon Capture Study
LafargeHolcim in the U.S., Air Liquide and the University of Illinois’ Prairie Research Institute are collaborating on a Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) study for a carbon capture retrofit that can separate up to 95% of CO2 emissions at the Holcim Ste. Genevieve (Mo.) cement plant.
Read MoreSCA Names Slag Cement Project of the Year Winners
The Slag Cement Association (SCA) unveiled the recipients of its 2020 Slag Cement Project of the Year Awards during a virtual ceremony on April 15.
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