ABB has developed ProKiln, a gas sampling system, to address the volatility created by a higher use of alternative fuels and raw materials in cement production.
The new cement kiln inlet gas system features powerful probe cleaning with increased mechanical strength, which includes a dual probe retraction system unique to the market to ensure no sampling interruption.
A 3D-printed stainless steel nozzle ensures that no blockages at the tip of the probe occur and the system is mounted on a buggy running on a retractor, which carries the probe safely in and out of the kiln allowing it to be cleaned automatically. Measuring 3-meters long, the gas probe is water cooled with an extractive filter placed at the sample and flow is maintained by the blasters. A cooling system provides recirculating water for temperature control, essential in operating conditions where process gases can reach 1,200° C (2,200°F).
ProKiln was tested for six months at Holcim’s Lägerdorf plant in Germany, which uses more than 80% alternative fuels. The reduced maintenance efforts and the increased availability convinced Holcim to replace the current installation with ABB’s ProKiln.