Regal Rexnord Displays RexPro Engineered Steel

Regal Rexnord Corp., a global manufacturer focused on the engineering and manufacturing of electric motors and controls, power generation products and power transmission components, featured its RexPro engineered steel chain and bearings product line at the 2023 IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Conference at the Dallas-Hilton Anatole, April 23-27.   Visitors to the company’s booth participated in a hands-on demonstration by the Regal Rexnord…

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Bolivia, Honduras Strengthen Their Cement Industries

By Mauro Nogarin The Bolivian vice minister of industrial production affirmed that the construction works of the new Potosí cement plant, which belongs to the Bolivian Cement Productive Public Company (Ecebol), continues unabated and, according to a new technical report, it will begin operations in November. “Currently, civil works present a 99% progress, the mechanical and electrical part 93%, that…

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Total Construction Starts Slip

Total construction starts fell 4% in April to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $1.04 trillion, according to Dodge Construction Network. Nonresidential starts led the drop as manufacturing fell 22% following strong performance in March. To balance the decline, nonbuilding starts rose 7%, and residential building stats gained 12%. On a year-to-date basis through April, total construction starts were 7%…

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Continental Cement to Get FLSmidth Alternative Fuel Tech 

Continental Cement, a wholly owned subsidiary of Summit Materials, awarded FLSmidth a contract for the first commercial installation of the FUELFLEX Pyrolyzer at its Davenport cement plant in Buffalo, Iowa. FLSmidth’s FUELFLEX Pyrolyzer enables cement plants to replace fossil fuels with waste-derived fuels in the calciner. The technology offers a lower CAPEX solution than competing technologies, noted FLSmidth, with the…

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Ardex Americas Banks On Pneumatic Conveying Line

Ardex Americas, a supplier of engineered cements, adhesives and high-performance building products, encountered wear problems at the elbows of its pneumatic conveying lines handling sand at its Dallas, Ga. plant.  The lines transfer materials between bulk handling trucks, eight silos, and batch-weighing and blending operations. Six of the silos hold cement, limestone and plaster. “Those materials are not very abrasive…

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